Friday 26 February 2016

Move On...... :-)

Dreams are confusing... so is the life...
Life changes and always leaves a question of changing ourselves.... isn't it????
Life grows up and asks us to grow too...
But often times we dont respond to her such questions...we feel stuck.. stuck with the things that start to rot after getting stuck and detoxifying in our own hands....which hurts ..later.
Moving with the flow is a better option to cope with the dreams...dont you worry if ur dreams change day after day.... have contentment of having a dream rather than living a life without a dream.... as I have already said....
Hopes hurt when they are connected to wrong characters....Generate a hope with your dreams they dont ditch..... they just need your constant desire to reach the destination.....and have alot to give you in return ...Dreams will gather you with all better than best in your life....
Be hopeful ....Be desirable..... Don't be confused.... just follow up.... And Get down with the flow.....